Thursday, April 9, 2020

How to Safely Jump-Start A Car

Vehicle Maintenance Course Proper Battery Jumping Techniques

Car batteries are sturdy, reliable car components, but even they can age and fail. If you find yourself in the situation that the battery in your car does not respond to ignition, here is how you can safely jump-start it:

-          Jump-starting with cables – you will need another car owner to help you with this method. Start the process by engaging your car’s parking brakes to ensure safety, then attach the cable’s red clip marked POS or + to the positive terminal of the car battery and the cable’s negative clip to the other battery terminal. Do the same on the battery of the other car, then attach one of the black clips to the negative terminal of the other car and the other black clip to an unpainted metal surface away from the battery, such as the car’s hood. When the cables are attached, start the car with the working battery and run it for a few minutes, then try to start your car;

-          Using a jump-start kit – these units can jump-start batteries without needing another car for the process. They are also very easy to use: just match the unit’s clamps to the corresponding terminals of the battery, then turn the unit on. If you have an automatic jump starter, the unit will turn itself on when the cables are attached properly.  For new driver car maintenance classes look to